2 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline
This article is one of three (3) in a series:
1 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline
In part 1, you will use AWS CodePipeline to automate deployment of application changes.
2 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline
In part 2, you will use AWS CodePipeline to add a Testing stage to your pipeline.
3 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline
In part 3, you will use AWS CodePipeline to add Staging and Manual Approval stages to your pipeline. You will decommission the infrastructure once done, because this is only proof-of-concept.
For background on this series, go here:
CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline | A Three-Part Series
1 of 10. [Cloud9] Create app.py and test_app.py.
Create the 'human-gov-application/src/tests' folder. Inside the test folder, create the files 'app.py' and 'test_app.py'. Add 'pytest' to the 'requirements.txt' at 'human-gov-application/src'
Note: There should be a trailing single quote in the test_app.py. Note that my screenshot does not include one. Additionally, note that the first time I ran the tests, they failed. :D
def home_page(state):
return 'Human Resources Management System - State of ' + state
import pytest
from app import home_page
def test_home_page():
assert home_page('California') == 'Human Resources Management System - State of California'
Add the line: pytest
2 of 10. [CodePipeline] Add Test Stage
human-gov-cicd-pipeline -/- [Edit]
AFter the 'Build' and before the 'Deploy to Production' click [Add stage]
Stage name: HumanGovTest
[Add Action Group]
Action naem: HumanGovTest
Action provider: AWS CodeBuild
Region: US East (N. Virgina)
Input artifacts: BuildArtifact
Project name: Create project
Projecct name: HumanGovTest
Environment image: Management image
Compute: EC2
Operating System: Amazon Linux
Runtime(s): Standard
Image: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0
Service role: New service role
Role name: Autogenerated
Additional configurations:
Privileged: Eanble this flag is you want to build Docker images ...
VPC: cluster VPC
Subnets: the private subnets
Security group: eks-cluster-sg-humangov...
Buildspec: Insert build commands
[Switch to editor]
Add the contents of the 'buildspec.yml' below.
CloudWatch logs - optional [enabled]
[Continue to CodePipeline]
Project name: HumanGovTest
As always, update the authentication to match your push command to the repository.
version: 0.2
- # Get Image URI
- cd src
- IMAGE_URI=$(jq -r '.[0].imageUri' imagedefinitions.json)
- echo $IMAGE_URI
# Log in to Amazon ECR.
- echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
- aws --version
- aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin public.ecr.aws/i7y0m4q9
# Pull the Docker image from ECR.
- docker pull $IMAGE_URI
# Run pytest in the Docker container.
- docker run --rm $IMAGE_URI pytest tests/
3 of 10. [IAM] Setup permission to Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
IAM -/- Access management -/- [Roles]
Permissions -/- Add permissions -/- [Attach policies]
select 'AmazonElasticContainerRegistryPublicFullAccess'
[Add permissions]
4 of 10. [Cloud9] commit and push.
cd ~/environment/human-gov-application/src
git status
git add -A
git commit -m "added tests"
git push
5 of 10. [CodePipeline] Validate that the test passes in the pipeline.
6 of 10. [Cloud9] Modify test script
In this case, the 'H' in Human is removed, the script should fail now.
import pytest
from app import home_page
def test_home_page():
assert home_page('California') == 'uman Resources Management System - State of California'
7 of 10. [Cloud9] Commit and push
cd ~/environment/human-gov-application/src
git status
git add -A
git commit -m "Simulating developer mistake - removed H from Human"
git push
8 of 10. [CodePipeline] Check the pipeline
The test should fail. Check the Pipeline and logged output.
9 of 10. [Cloud9] Repair the typo, and commit and push
import pytest
from app import home_page
def test_home_page():
assert home_page('California') == 'Human Resources Management System - State of California'
cd ~/environment/human-gov-application/src
git status
git add -A
git commit -m "Fixed developer mistake - added H to Human"
git push
10 of 10. [CodePipeline] Confirm the pipeline was repaired.
CI/CD Pipeline - AWS CodePipeline - AWS
IAM roles - AWS Identity and Access Management
get-login-password — AWS CLI 1.32.53 Command Reference
What is the AWS Command Line Interface? - AWS Command Line Interface
Git - git-commit Documentation
Git - git-status Documentation
pytest: helps you write better programs — pytest documentation
Enabling IAM principal access to your cluster - Amazon EKS
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