1 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline

This article is one of three (3) in a series:

1 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline
In part 1, you will use AWS CodePipeline to automate deployment of application changes.

2 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline
In part 2, you will use AWS CodePipeline to add a Testing stage to your pipeline.

3 of 3: CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline
In part 3, you will use AWS CodePipeline to add Staging and Manual Approval stages to your pipeline. You will decommission the infrastructure once done, because this is only proof-of-concept.

For background on this series, go here:

CI/CD the Easy Way Using AWS CodePipeline | A Three-Part Series

Prequisite 1 of 2. A Kubernetes cluster named `humangov-cluster` with at least one HumanGov Application state deployed running on Amazon EKS.

If you need instructions for that, check the series on Kubernetes.

If you followed my example from the Kubernetes article, you probably have a few pieces to re-do. I'll list them here, so you have a check-list. Disclaimer: the information below is based on the context of having gone through the prior series. There are assumptions/pre-requisites for the information provided here, and if it doesn't work for you, refer to the prior series. For the sake of brevity, screenshots are not included here. Please see the prior series of articles if you want to see some images.

#1 of 15. eks-user Access keys AWS Console -/- Identify and Access Management (IAM) -/- Access management -/- Users [eks-user] [Security credentials] [Create access key] Access key best practices & alternatives -/- Other [Next] Set description tag -optional [Create access key] Retrieve access keys [Done] #2 of 15. Disable managed credentials on Cloud9 Preferences -/- AWS Settings -/- Credentials -/- DISABLE 'AWS managed temporary credentails' #3 of 15. Authenticate with eks-user access key export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY #4 of 15. Create eks cluster [Warning: this step may take 15 minutes or so] cd ~/environment/human-gov-infrastructure/terraform eksctl create cluster --name humangov-cluster --region us-east-1 --nodegroup-name standard-workers --node-type t3.medium --nodes 1 #5 of 15. Update local Kubernetes config aws eks update-kubeconfig --name humangov-cluster --region us-east-1 #6 of 15. Verify Cluster Connectivity kubectl get svc kubectl get nodes #7 of 15. Load Balancer cd ~/environment curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-load-balancer-controller/v2.5.4/docs/install/iam_policy.json aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \ --policy-document file://iam_policy.json #8 of 15. Associate IAM OIDC provider eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster humangov-cluster --approve #9 of 15. Create service account for load balancer. eksctl create iamserviceaccount \ --cluster=humangov-cluster \ --namespace=kube-system \ --name=aws-load-balancer-controller \ --role-name AmazonEKSLoadBalancerControllerRole \ --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::502983865814:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \ --approve #10 of 15. Install load balancer controller # Add eks-charts repository. helm repo add eks https://aws.github.io/eks-charts ​ # Install helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller \ -n kube-system \ --set clusterName=humangov-cluster \ --set serviceAccount.create=false \ --set serviceAccount.name=aws-load-balancer-controller #11 of 15. Verify controller installation kubectl get deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller #12 of 15. Create role and service account for cluster to S3 and DynamoDB tables eksctl create iamserviceaccount \ --cluster=humangov-cluster \ --name=humangov-pod-execution-role \ --role-name HumanGovPodExecutionRole \ --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess \ --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess \ --region us-east-1 \ --approve #13 of 15. cd ~/environment/human-gov-application/src kubectl get pods kubectl apply -f humangov-california.yaml kubectl apply -f humangov-florida.yaml kubectl get pods kubectl get svc kubectl get deployment #14 of 15. Ingress kubectl apply -f humangov-ingress-all.yaml kubectl get ingress #15 of 15. Double-check Route 53 Make sure the A records for california.humangov-ll3.click and florida.humangov-ll3.click point to the new load balancer

Prerequisite 2 of 2. A pre-existing AWS CodeCommit repository named `human-gov-application` containing the source code of the HumanGov SaaS application.

If you do not have this repository, please create it. Instructions for this are not provided because if you were following this series, you did not delete that repository yet. [I only did the prior steps because I had to do them anyway.]

1 of 13. [Cloud9] Open AWS Cloud9

2 of 13. [Cloud9] Validate connectivity to cluster

kubectl get nodes

3 of 13. [CodeCommit] Validate you have a repository named 'human-gov-application'.

4 of 13. [Cloud9] Push changes to repository.

cd ~/environment/human-gov-application/src git status git add -A git commit -m "added k8s manifests" git push

5 of 13. [Code Pipeline] Create new pipeline

This works very similarly to Jenkins.

AWS CodePipeline -/- [Create pipeline] STEP 1 Choose Pipeline settings: Pipeline name: human-gov-cicd-pipeline [Next] STEP 2 Add source stage: Source provider: AWS CodeCommit Repository name: human-gov-application Branch name: master Change detection options: Amazon CloudWatch Events Ouput artifact format: CodePipeline default [Next] STEP 3 Add build stage Build provider: AWS CodeBuild Region: us-east-1 (N. Virginia) Project name: [Create project] Project name: HumanGovBuild Environment image: Managed image Compute: EC2 Operating System: Amazon Linux Runtime(s): Standard Image: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0 Service role: New service role Role name: [auto-configured] [Additional Configuration] Privileged: Enable this flag if you want to build Docker images or want your builds to get elevated privileges VPC: choose the VPC running your cluster Subnets: Choose the PRIVATE subnets for your cluster. Security Group: eks-cluster-sg [pick the one that starts like that naming convention, as you configured it in earlier articles] [Validate VPC Settings] Build specification: Insert build commands -/- [Switch to editor] Add the contents of the buildspec.yml below.


version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: docker: 20 pre_build: commands: - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR... - aws --version - REPOSITORY_URI=$ECR_REPO - aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin public.ecr.aws/i7y0m4q9 build: commands: - echo Build started on `date` - echo Building the Docker image... - cd src - docker build -t $REPOSITORY_URI:latest . - docker tag $REPOSITORY_URI:latest $REPOSITORY_URI:$CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION post_build: commands: - echo Build completed on `date` - echo Pushing the Docker image... - docker push $REPOSITORY_URI:latest - docker push $REPOSITORY_URI:$CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION - export imageTag=$CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION - printf '[{\"name\":\"humangov-app\",\"imageUri\":\"%s\"}]' $REPOSITORY_URI:$imageTag > imagedefinitions.json - cat imagedefinitions.json - ls -l env: exported-variables: ["imageTag"] artifacts: files: - src/imagedefinitions.json - src/humangov-california.yaml - src/humangov-florida.yaml continuing STEP 3 ... Add environment variable: ECR_REPO Value: public.ecr.aws/i7y0m4q9/humangov-app # The value corresponds to your humangov-app CodeCommit repository # Replace the line that starts 'AWS ecr-public get-login-password ...' (copy from your view push commands) aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin public.ecr.aws/i7y0m4q9 CloudWatch logs - optional [enabled] [Continue to CodePipeline] Project name: HumanGovBuild [Next] STEP 4 Add deploy stage [Skip deploy stage] STEP 5 Review [Create pipeline]

6 of 13. [Code Pipeline] Pipeline fails to build

The build in the pipeline will not work initially,. and review of the logs shows a permissions error.

7 of 13. [IAM] Add permissions to Registry

Make sure to choose the policy with 'public' with the name. The one without Public in the name is for private repositories [recall that we are using a Public repository].

AWS IAM -/- Access management -/- [Roles] [codebuild-HumanGovBuild-service-role] Permissions -/- [Attach policy] Select 'AmazonElasticContainerRegistryPublicFullAccess' [Add permissions]

8 of 13. [CodePipeline] Retry the stage that failed

It should succeed, because the login was successful this time.

9 of 13. [CodePipeline] Add deployment

Note: This is not best practices authentication. The focus of this lab is CI/CD, and not security. If you want an example that leverages authentication in a somewhat better way, go see the yet-to-be-released series of Jenkins articles, that will be published [as time permits -- so maybe never?]

AWS CodePipeline -/- Pipelines -/- [human-gov-cicd-pipeline] -/- [Edit] [Add stage] #after the build stage Stage name: HumanGovDeployToProduction [Add stage] [Add action group] Action name: HumanGovDeployToProduction Action provider: AWS CodeBuild Region: US East-1 (N. Virginia) Input artifacts: BuildArtifact Project name: [Create project] Project name: HumanGovDeployToProduction Environment: managed image Compute: EC2 Operating system: Amazon Linux Runtime(s): Standard Image: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0 Service role: New service role Role name: auto-generated [Additional configuration] Privileged: Enable this flag if you want to build Docker images or want your builds to get elevated privileges VPC: the one for the cluster Subnets: Choose the private subnets for the cluster Security group: eks-cluster-sg-humangov-cluster ... [Validate VPC Settings] Environment variables: Name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Value: XXXXX Name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Value: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY # Note: IAM role is the recommmended/more-secure way to do this. Buildspec: Build specifications: Insert build commands Build commands: [Switch to editor]

Add the contents of the below 'buildspec.yml'

version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: docker: 20 commands: - curl -o kubectl https://amazon-eks.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/1.18.9/2020-11-02/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl - chmod +x ./kubectl - mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin - kubectl version --short --client post_build: commands: - aws eks update-kubeconfig --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --name humangov-cluster - kubectl get nodes - ls - cd src - IMAGE_URI=$(jq -r '.[0].imageUri' imagedefinitions.json) - echo $IMAGE_URI - sed -i "s|CONTAINER_IMAGE|$IMAGE_URI|g" humangov-california.yaml - sed -i "s|CONTAINER_IMAGE|$IMAGE_URI|g" humangov-florida.yaml - kubectl apply -f humangov-california.yaml - kubectl apply -f humangov-florida.yaml

Continuing ..

CloudWatch Logs [checked] [Continue to CodePipeline] Project name: HumanGovDeployToProduction [Done] [Save] # Don't forget to save when done making the modification to the pipeline.

10 of 13. [Cloud9] Update 'humangov-california.yaml' and 'humangov-florida.yaml'

The script will ultimately update the CONTAINER_IMAGE field with the $IMAGE_URI. You need to provide the base files that include CONTAINER_IMAGE, so those files can get updated.

Replace this: image: public.ecr.aws/i7y0m4q9/humangov-app:latest With this: image: CONTAINER_IMAGE

11 of 13. [Cloud9] Update home.html

Replace this: <h1 class="display-5">HumanGov</h1> With this: <h1 class="display-5">HumanGov SaaS Application</h1>

12 of 13. [Cloud9] Commit and push

Note: I had to run the add/commit/push one more time [not pictured here], BECAUSE I had not saved my Code Pipeline when initially adding the 'DeployToProduction".

cd ~/environment/human-gov-application/src git status git add -A git commit -m "replaced image uri with CONTAINER_IMAGE and updated home.html" git push

13 of 13. [CodePipeline / Web Browser]Check the pipeline and the website.

Nice, right? The website was updated after a git push.


EventBridge is the evolution of Amazon CloudWatch Events - Amazon EventBridge

Working with hosted zones - Amazon Route 53

Managing access keys for IAM users - AWS Identity and Access Management

IAM roles - AWS Identity and Access Management

Calling AWS services from an environment in AWS Cloud9 - AWS Cloud9

What is AWS CodeBuild? - AWS CodeBuild

Code Repository - AWS CodeCommit - AWS

CI/CD Pipeline - AWS CodePipeline - AWS

Creating or updating a kubeconfig file for an Amazon EKS cluster - Amazon EKS

create-policy — AWS CLI 2.15.24 Command Reference

Creating and managing clusters - eksctl

IAM Roles for Service Accounts - eksctl

IAM Roles for Service Accounts - eksctl

Git - git-add Documentation

Git - git-commit Documentation

Git - git-push Documentation

Git - git-status Documentation

Installing the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on - Amazon EKS

Using Helm with Amazon EKS - Amazon EKS

kubectl Quick Reference | Kubernetes


Title not found

Automatically build and deploy a Java application to Amazon EKS using a CI/CD pipeline - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery - Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS

Enabling IAM principal access to your cluster - Amazon EKS

Lewis Lampkin, III - Blog

Lewis Lampkin, III - LinkedIn

Lewis Lampkin, III - Medium


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