HumanGov: Model Automated Multi-Tenant Architecture (MAMA) | Terraform | AWS CodeCommit | Git | AWS S3 | Amazon DynamoDB | AWS EC2 | AWS CLI | AWS Cloud9, A Three-Part Series

This project is about establishing cloud infrastructure for a Model Automated Multi-Tenant Architecture (MAMA), HumanGov. Each tenant (state = tenant in this case) will have their own EC2 instance, their own S3 bucket, and their own DynamoDB. (For example, Missouri and Kansas will have separate infrastructures.) The states wanted a Reusable, Multi-Tenant Software as a Service (SaaS) Application Infrastructure for dinner, and MAMA will feed it to them. This is a three part series:

HumanGov: Model Automated Multi-Tenant Architecture (MAMA) Part 1 of 3: MAMA in the Cloud (AWS EC2, AWS S3 and Amazon DynamoDB) using Terraform and AWS CLI on AWSCloud9

HumanGov: Model Automated Multi-Tenant Architecture (MAMA) Part 2 of 3: Storing MAMA Project State File in the Cloud (AWS S3 and Amazon DynamoDB) using Terraform and AWS CLI on AWSCloud9

HumanGov: Model Automated Multi-Tenant Architecture (MAMA) Part 3 of 3: Storing MAMA Project Configuration Files in the Cloud (AWS Codecommit) using Terraform and Git on AWSCloud9


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