Part 1 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Creating Git repositories

This post is part of a 5-post series on setting up version control in the cloud using AWS Code Commit (cloud repository), Git (version control) and AWS Cloud 9 (Cloud IDE).

Part 1 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Creating Git repositories

Part 2 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Infrastructure/Devops Engineer Setup

Part 3 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Software Developer #1

Part 4 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Software Developer #2

Part 5 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Cleanup, Evidence, Reference

Per the original design, the repositories should be created in the us-east-1 region. One repository is for the application, intended for software developers, and the other repository is for infrastructure, intended for devops.

1.1: AWS Management Console, set the us-east-1 region

[this is per the design document]

1.2: AWS Management Console, search for CodeCommit, click CodeCommit

1.3: Create repository

1.4: Set Repository name and description, Create

1.5: Repository was created successfully

1.6: Click on repositories in the left menu

1.7: Create repository

1.8: Set repository name and description, Create

1.9: Repository created successfully

1.10: Click on repositories in the left menu

1.11: Both repositories are visible.

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