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Orphaned No More: Adopting AWS Lambda
Background HumanGov is a Model Automated Multi-Tenant Architecture (MAMA) that is meant to be used by the 50 states for personnel tracking. Currently the architecture is fully automated on AWS. The architecture is not ready for go-live. All actions so far are for a proof-of-concept that is presented to the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) for review. During the weekly team meeting, Ko (User Experience Lead) reports that his team has performed thousands of tests against the infrastructure, with moves, adds, and changes, and is not finding any issues in the application user interface. Woo (Infrastructure Lead) reports that there are hundreds of 'orphaned' files in the S3 bucket. (These files are considered 'orphaned' because they do not have corresponding records in the DynamoDB table.) Kim (Tech Lead) reports that there is not a trigger to delete the file from the bucket when a user is deleted from the DynamoDB database. Brady (Lawyer) reports that not deleting t...
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